About Me

I am an anaesthetist and keen technology enthusiast based in London (UK).

Curriculum Vitae


My interests cover a broad area from medical statistics to system administration and programming.

medical statistics machine learning python shell scripting system administration self hosting


I received my BMBS(hons) and BMedSci(1st Class) from the University of Nottingham. I have attained both FRCA(UK) and MRCP(UK) Diplomas.

Self taught in a range of different technical skills including:

System Administration Self hosted server, Version control software, Networking
Hardware Raspberry Pi, Esp8266, Electronics
Software Nix, docker, LXC, Proxmox, Ansible, SQL, MySql, Nginx, Traefik, Vim, Git
Operating Systems Unix: Nixos/ Alpine Linux/ Debian/ Arch Linux, Windows
Languages Python, Shell scripting, Bash, Yaml, Json, Markdown, Latex


Can C-reactive protein predict the severity of a post-operative complication after elective resection of colorectal cancer?
Selby J, Prabhudesai A.
Int J Colorectal Dis. 2014 Oct;29(10):1211-5. doi: 10.1007/s00384-014-1977-9. PMID: 25060219

Very Low Quality of Life After Acute Stroke: Data From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke Trial.
Sprigg N, Selby J, Fox L, Berge E, Whynes D, Bath PM; for the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke Investigators.
Stroke. 2013 Oct 22. PMID: 24149005

Testing for differential item functioning within the EQ-5D.
Whynes DK, Sprigg N, Selby J, Berge E, Bath PM; ENOS Investigators.
Med Decis Making. 2013 Feb;33(2):252-60. Epub 2012 Nov 26. PMID: 23184462

Piloting the use of an interprofessional stroke care learning package created by and for students.
Selby JP, Fulford-Smith L, King A, Pitt R, Knox R.
J Interprof Care. 2011 Jul;25(4):294-5. Epub 2011 Mar 22. PMID: 21425913